Michelle Jackson - Fiber Artist

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How to Write an Artist Statement

The Artist Statement (January 2024 Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council Newsletter)

An artist statement is written to help the viewer understand your piece of art. I get it; it’s really hard to write about yourself. People who keep journals, I think, have less of a problem. Hopefully these prompts will help you write the perfect artist statement.

An artist statement is written in the first person (I…). Think about these things and maybe answer some of them in your artist statement. What inspired you to create this piece; was it color, a photo, a style or something happening in your life like visiting a particular place or friend? Why did you choose the particular color or colors? Was is because you love a particular color, or it reminds you of something like a moment or place in your life?  What do you want to translate to the viewer; a feeling? How do you work? Are you structured or a little aloof, and does that come across in your art? Is there a particular technique used that you want the viewer to know about or that is unique to your work? Will this piece lead you into a particular direction in the future so that the viewer might want to see more of your work? 

You will likely be writing a statement for every piece you create. Try not to be too wordy. I don't know about you, but if I see a lot of text I don't even bother to read it. I just don't have time. Make sure the first sentence draws a person in. If the viewer reads the first sentence and is interested, they will read the whole statement. 

I hope this helps! Keep creating and writing those exciting artist statements!

Happy Creating, 