How to Write an Artist's Bio
The Artist's Bio (February 2024 Albuquerque Fiber Art Council Newsletter)
A Bio is meant to be an introduction of you and your work. Most of the time it is written in the third person, as if someone is else is writing it about you. Start your bio by including who you are and what type of art you work in and possibly where you create this art (country, state and city). You will need to convey to your audience your "style". What makes you different from someone else working in the same medium.
Here are some prompts you might consider in writing additional information and making it interesting. Do you have education in the art you are making or are you self taught. If you have education in a different field, how does that influence your art. If you don't have formal education, what experience do you have. Are there past projects you can mention that give you credibility?
Think about events in your life that have lead you to create art. Those things will be interesting to readers. Have you moved to a different part of the world and your art reflects that, or do you have another hobby or life experience that has influenced your art and how? These things will help your audience relate to you and cause them to be curious about those influences in your art.
As with the artist statement mentioned last month, try not to be too wordy. Just hit the highlights of your education and career. Most people want to know why you create, what motivates you to create and how your art may be different from other's. Always end with where people can see your work and how they can contact you.
I hope this helps! Keep creating and writing those exciting Bios.
Happy Creating,