Michelle Jackson - Fiber Artist

Studio Updates —

Studio updates.


I write a newsletter for the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council and thought I would post some of them here.

Organization July 2024

Organizing your creative space can be a challenge whether you have a large space or a shared space with another purpose. We all want to be able to access the materials we need for creating at a moments notice and then hope that by some miracle it will all get back in its place overnight.

That miracle never seems to happen for me and things tend to pile up until I finally can't stand it and I need to a major cleaning and reorganizing. It's a constant battle. Each time I reorganize is a little different than before, but never quite perfect. I have learned some things over the years which leads me to this question. Are you an "Inny" or an "Outty"; that is do you put everything out of sight or do you need to arrange things so that you can see what you have? 

"Innies" always seem to others to have perfect organization almost to the point of walking into the room and not knowing that it is a creative space unless they are currently working on a project. Everything is neatly put away in cabinets and hidden containers. This method of organizing seems to work well in those rooms that also have another purpose like a guest room. The guest may never know you create in that space.

"Outties" on the other hand have things organized in containers on counters and clear containers in full view. Everything can be seen from any point in the room. One only needs to look up and spot the item waiting to be used. This method seems to be great for spontaneity. Everything is within reach and no time is waisted looking for an item neatly tucked away.

I find that I'm right in between these two methods of organizing. I'm an "Inny" at heart, loving the neat and clean look of everything put away, but I'm an "Outty" when it comes to actually working. I don't have time to dig things out, nor do I bother to put things back in their home while I'm in the creative groove. So while I'm creating I try to concentrate on creating and not worry about how disheveled the room is getting and when I can't stand the mess anymore, I pick it all up and put it away. I'm still waiting for that miracle of all those things getting back to their places on their own! 

So are you and "Inny", an "Outty" or a combination like me? What ever you are, I hope you have fun creating!

Happy Organizing, (oops "Creating"), 